The Power of Diversity and Inclusion in Community Development: A Look at Hollywood, FL

As an expert in community development, I have seen firsthand the impact that diversity and inclusion can have on a city. And while Hollywood, FL may be known for its glitz and glamour, it is also a city that values these important values.

The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Community Development

Diversity and inclusion are crucial components of any successful community development project. By embracing diversity, communities can tap into a wide range of perspectives, experiences, and talents. This leads to more innovative solutions and a stronger sense of unity among residents. Inclusion ensures that all members of the community feel valued and have equal access to opportunities.

This is especially important in Hollywood, FL, where the population is diverse, with a mix of different ethnicities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Without a focus on diversity and inclusion, community development projects run the risk of leaving certain groups behind and perpetuating inequalities. This is why it is essential for cities like Hollywood, FL to prioritize these values in their development plans.

The City of Hollywood's Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

The City of Hollywood has taken significant steps towards promoting diversity and inclusion in its community development efforts. One of the most notable initiatives is the creation of the Diversity Advisory Council (DAC) in 2017. The DAC is made up of 15 members who represent various sectors of the community, including business owners, educators, religious leaders, and residents. The council's main goal is to advise the city on issues related to diversity and inclusion and make recommendations for policies and programs that promote these values. One of the DAC's most significant achievements was the development of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the city in 2019. This plan outlines specific goals and strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion in Hollywood, FL. Some of the key initiatives outlined in the plan include:
  • Increasing diversity in city employment: The city has committed to increasing the representation of underrepresented groups in its workforce through targeted recruitment efforts and diversity training for employees.
  • Promoting cultural awareness and understanding: The city has implemented programs and events that celebrate different cultures and promote understanding and respect among residents.
  • Supporting minority-owned businesses: The city has established a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) program to provide resources and support for minority-owned businesses in Hollywood, FL.
  • Improving access to affordable housing: The city is working to increase the availability of affordable housing options for low-income residents, including those from marginalized communities.
In addition to these initiatives, the city also hosts an annual Diversity Summit, which brings together community leaders, residents, and experts to discuss issues related to diversity and inclusion and identify ways to address them.

The Impact of These Initiatives

The City of Hollywood's efforts towards promoting diversity and inclusion have had a significant impact on the community.

One of the most notable changes has been the increased representation of underrepresented groups in city employment. Since the adoption of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, there has been a 20% increase in the number of minority employees in the city's workforce. The city's focus on cultural awareness and understanding has also led to a more inclusive and welcoming environment for residents. Events such as the Multicultural Festival and International Film Festival have brought people from different backgrounds together to celebrate diversity and learn from one another. The MBE program has also been successful in supporting minority-owned businesses in Hollywood, FL. Since its inception, the program has helped over 50 businesses access resources and opportunities, leading to economic growth and job creation in the community.

Challenges and Future Plans

While the City of Hollywood has made significant progress in promoting diversity and inclusion, there are still challenges that need to be addressed.

One of the main challenges is the lack of affordable housing options for low-income residents, particularly those from marginalized communities. To address this issue, the city is working on developing more affordable housing units and implementing policies that ensure equitable access to housing for all residents. The city is also exploring partnerships with non-profit organizations to provide housing assistance for those in need. In addition, the city is continuously seeking feedback from residents and community leaders to identify areas for improvement and develop new initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion.


The City of Hollywood, FL may be known for its glitz and glamour, but it is also a city that values diversity and inclusion. Through initiatives such as the Diversity Advisory Council and the Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, the city has made significant progress in promoting these values in its community development efforts. While there are still challenges to overcome, the city's commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident in its actions and has had a positive impact on the community. As Hollywood, FL continues to grow and evolve, it is essential that these values remain at the forefront of its development plans to ensure a vibrant, inclusive, and thriving community for all.

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